Dr. Enoch Sundaram, MBBS, Dip. Diab, F. Diab is a diabetologist and lifestyle medicine consultant practicing at A G Clinic and Lifestyle Centre in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu (India). Dr. Enoch Sundaram along with his wife Dr. Mallika has developed various lifestyle programs based on medical science, the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to combat lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, anxiety, depression etc. through diet and lifestyle changes. Their medical team has helped thousands of patients from different parts of the world to successfully cure various types of diseases. Her team also conducts various community health projects to prevent lifestyle diseases.
Christopher Kramp, is an evangelist and chairman of Joel Media Ministry. He initially studied orchestral conducting at the Stuttgart University of Music, but decided to accept God's call as a full-time missionary at a mission school in England in 2010. Since then, he has been active at home and abroad with Bible lessons, sermons, lectures and seminars. In recent years, he has also studied history and ancient Near Eastern philology at the University of Tübingen with the aim of researching the various historical aspects of our biblical-prophetic message in greater depth. He loves his wife Bea and their little son Titus.
Kok Tho Yip resides in Singapore is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He grew up in a Taoist family, believing in ancestor worship through a family altar for the veneration of the immortal soul of his deceased ancestors. When he was 18, he practiced Zen meditation till when he was 38, when he became a Seventh-Day Adventist. He is Chairman of Aenon Health Care, a residential lifestyle modification center that has been operating for more than 20 years in Malaysia.
Special Guest: Clayton da Silva was born in 1978 and is the director of L'ESPERANCE do Brasil, a missionary school and health center in the state of Minas Gerais. He studied at the IEST missionary school in Brazil and trained as an evangelist. Later, he also studied nutrition and took further training courses on healthy lifestyles. Today he teaches Bible courses in various missionary schools, works as a health speaker and studies neuro-weight loss.
IMPACT Austria
Rebekka Heinig, Nadja Floder, Marcel Batallér, Corina Floder, Nanuk Dahlke und Samuel Heinig
YOUTH SEMINAR for ages 16+
Special Guest: Brock Mayer (Gideon Rescue Company)
TEENIES-SEMINAR for ages 12–15
Stine Gro Struksnæs (47) has for decades worked as a Bible worker in various countries and capacities and has a special passion for helping children closer to Jesus. In 2022 she founded “TENT Ministry”. She is running weekly zoom programs for children in various languages, running children’s choirs/groups, helping out with Sabbath school work and teaching at camps.
PROGRAM for ages 7–11
My name is Julija Neubauer, I am 36 years old, happily married and mother of two wonderful children. I am in charge of the Nuremberg Marienberg Seventh-day Adventist Church and praise God each day again for blessing me with His gift of working with children.
PROGRAM for ages 3–6
John Davis, with his wife Dorothy, has been publishing and selling Christian Adventist literature and music CDs through their family publishing company, Orion Publishing, since 1997. John is an international speaker with 37 years of experience in self-supporting missionary work. He and his wife have been married for 36 years and reside in Cottonwood, Northern California, from where they run their publishing company.
Roman Ril and his wife Raluca run the association Amevera Lifestyle e.V. Together they want to support people in their physical, mental and character development. Their services include: Health coaching, emotional counseling, lectures and workshops - online and in person.
Timo Hoffmann was a former heavy metal guitarist who found his love in Jesus Christ and the Bible, which changed his whole life. Interested in a healthy lifestyle and natural remedies, he and his wife Anne-Marieke ran a health food store and plant-based restaurant for several years. He recently completed his training in vegetable gardening at Bountiful Blessings Farm in Tennessee and wants to start his own small farm to spread the Three Angel Message.